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SKCS Yearbook 1942•2 South Kortright Central School Almedian

general membership. The air and sea division is the most popular with the boys who are qualified for the special requirements.

Senior Play
We Seniors felt proud of our Senior Play this year. Because of tire and gasoline rationing, we thought that we would not have a very good turn-out, but the results were surprisingly successful. There were between four and five hundred in attendance. The Senior Class earned approximately $110 in clear profit. We wish to express our appreciation to Mrs. Baker who directed the production of So Help Me Hannah.

Nurse's Office
We really haven't much news for you from here. We have had all our yearly examinations by Dr. Andrews. We were very glad to find that the majority of the cildren had no serious physical defects.

Faculty Party
The annual faculty party was held Friday evening, December 18th in the Central Building. The committee in charge included the following:
Miss Paulsen, Chairman
Miss Helen Gould
Miss Maynard
Mr. Farquhar
Mr. Wells.

The war had a definite influence upon the party. Instead of the usual exchange of 10 cent gifts, there was an exchange of 10 cent war stamps. The skit presented by the faculty members reflected the changes caused by the war. Refreshments were served at the end of the evening.


The seniors again occupy room 31 under the watchful eye of Miss Geesler. We were very sorry to lose three of our members, David curtis, Arthur Harrington and Andrew Lindesky. We hope "Dave" and "Art" like the Army life, anyway.

At our first Senior meeting we elected class officers as follows:
President.......Eleanor Cown
Vice President..Jeannette Pardy
Secretary.......Catherine Schabloski
Treasurer.......Doris Rivanera

These results show which sex dominates.

Our Senior Play was such a great success that our Treasury now holds the sum of $297.79.

Our plans for the future include a dance on February 5th 1943 with Boyces Orchestra. We hope this will be a great success; will you be there? We hope so.

We finally got around to electing class officers. they are as follows:

President.......Stanley Wickham
Vice President..John Peters
Secretary.......Wallace Rich
Treasurer.......Margaret Tyler

This room has been a rather quiet one as yet, but wait till we get going! Jim (Fat) Van Buren seems to be our chief gossiper. (What has your little brother been doing lately, Jim?)


The 1942 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1942 Almedian