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Year: 1972
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SKCS Yearbook 1972•28 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1972•28 South Kortright Central School Almedian


Freshmen come to the dawn of their High School life with high hopes and anticipations of their next four years.

ROW 1: Mark Ackerman, Doris Laing, Sue Allen, David Madore.

ROW 2: Diane Cowan, Bob Coager, David Maison, Peggy Burdick, Suzanne Evans, David Betz.

ROW 3: Carol Barnhart, Betty Lincourt, Debra Goodspeed, Diana Madore, Pat Every, Mary Magnan, Tom Laing, Steve Gehres, Frank Dibble, Walter Ashline, Dan Fullington, Crystal Ford.

"Chalk one up for the teacher!"


"That's what it means"


Try it, you'll like it!

"Just a few more feet"

What's he really thinking about?

ROW 1: Rod Schabloski, Wayne Wayman, John Rich, Bill Titch.

ROW 2: Linda Aldrich, Jane Martin, George Sutton, Larry Worden, Debbie Preston, Bill Swart, Kieran Ruppert.

ROW 3: Karen Zambryski, Pat Mauger, JoAnn Neilson, Jerry Yamada, Roger Schoen, Bob Schoen, Diane Snyder, Karen Olsen, Chris Sandin, Mike Reed, Russel Moore.


The 1972 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1972 Almedian