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SKCS Yearbook 1956•50 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1956•50 South Kortright Central School Almedian

Tired but Happy





We, the Class of 1956, being of unsound mind and body, make this our last will and testament. This is hereby witnessed by Throckmorton Snodgrass, Adelbert Piffleberry Jones, Jr., and Ferdinand de Bull.

Douglass - leaves his shyness to Kitty Reed.
Bobbie - leaves remnants of a green Oldsmobile to her mother.
Joel - leaves his basketball suit to Skinny Bob Maxon.
Kenny - leaves his hold church key to Dick Bligh.
Joan - leaves her ability to write love letters to Bobbie Migli.
Bonnie - leaves the marching corps to Stamford Central School.
Leonard - leaves his gym suit to MaryAnn Frazier.
Cecil - leaves his crazy clothes to Jimmy Smith.
Frank - leaves his friendly smile to Loren Cornell.
Arleen - leaves her brains to a poor student; on second thought, she will take them to college.
Juanita - leaves her address to all available boys.
Mae - leaves her Camels to Damaris Yanson.
Odette - leaves her cheerleading pep to Fay Nesbitt.
Betty Kathmann - leaves 50% of her boyfriends to her sister, Grace.
Mary Lowry - leaves her loud voice and boisterous actions to Eugenia Morse.
Virgil - leaves his history book to 'Deadeye' Dan Bower.
Aubert - leaves his American History notes to Howard Travelle.
Mary Mason - leaves her thread and needle to Pete Collins.
Jo Ann - leaves her ability to butter-up the teachers to Butch Riddell.
George - leaves his traveling radar car to John Murphy.
Jimmy - leaves Peg Lehner to Art Turnier.
Nancy - leaves her Liberace records to Mr. Leonard.
Betty O'blinski - leaves her seat at Tommy's to Karen Martin.
Patty - leaves her soldiers, sailors, marines and air force men to Uncle Sam.
Charles - leaves his ability to make wise cracks to anyone who can stand them.
Betty Rosecrans - leaves her ability to work hard to Billy Van Buren.
Wally - leaves second gear of the Driver Training Car to Bill McIntosh.
Louise - leaves her wrestling ability to Joy Street.
Hank - leaves his gullible personality to Mr. Brownell.
John Widdicombe - leaves ------------------- thank goodness!
John Appleman - leaves his black Ford to Mr. Townsend.
The senior Class - leaves a new lock for the ice cream freezer to the school and the keys to the Junior Class.

This book printed by VELVATONE, a special process of lithographic printing. Sole producers: Wm. J. Keller Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. No other printing firm is authorized to use the Velvatone method.


The 1956 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1956 Almedian