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Year: 1925
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SKCS Yearbook 1925•10 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1925•10 South Kortright Central School Almedian


support of the citizens of the village. The various athletic teams were financed during the year and there is a balance on hand of over $100, to help the teams next year.

It is a pleasure to report that the long-desired Shower Bath room has been completed. This improvement will add materially to the spirit of our future athletic teams, who will represent Hobart High School on court and diamond.

The Senior Class has been successful financially. At the close of the year it has on hand about $100.00. They are planning to present as a gift to the school a Hansen Program Clock, which will ring by electricity and automatically will ring at the close of each High School period. It is the policy of the school to have the Senior Class present a gift at the close of the school year.

A spirit of determination, concentration and independence is fostered by the desire of the scholars to earn enough Regents counts to qualify for the next year's class, and among the Seniors, a desire to win a 90 count Diploma or a College Entrance Diploma. Eighteen counts are required to be a Sophomore, 36 counts to be a Junior, and 54 to be a Senior. Under the competent instruction of Mrs. Nellie B. Kniskern, two scholars have each earned three Regents counts in Applied Music by practicing six hours a week on the piano. This department of music does such a high grade of work that Hobart High School is among the approved schools at Albany for credit in music.

Through the courtesy of the business men in the village over One Hundred Dollars in prizes are given to the scholars in the grades and High School for excellence along various lines. We are deeply grateful to them for their interest in the welfare of the school. By this means the scholars are spurred on to greater efforts, and this is one very important reason why Hobart High School ranks among the best in the country.

It is the belief of the Board of Education, parents and teachers, that there should be a proper correlation between studies, athletics and social activities. Although we are heartily in favor of these outside activities, yet we do not intend that they shall be carried to excess to interfere with their studies. The school spirit has been very much enlivened by base ball, basket ball, tennis, and the use of the giant stride, see-saw, trapeze arrangements, vaulting apparatus and swings which have been so generously provided by the patrons of the school. That the scholars appreciate these is evidenced by the fact that they are in almost constant use when school is not in session. High scholarship is required of all who wish to be members of any athletic team. Few schools attain as high an average in their lessons as ours.


The 1925 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1925 Almedian